
ST_MinimumBoundingRadius — Returns the center point and radius of the smallest circle that can fully contain a geometry.


(geometry, double precision) ST_MinimumBoundingRadius(geometry geom);


Returns a record containing the center point and radius of the smallest circle that can fully contain a geometry.

Can be used in conjunction with ST_Collect to get the minimum bounding circle of a set of geometries.

Availability - 2.3.0


ST_Collect, ST_MinimumBoundingCircle

SELECT ST_AsText(center), radius FROM ST_MinimumBoundingRadius('POLYGON((26426 65078,26531 65242,26075 65136,26096 65427,26426 65078))');

                st_astext                 |      radius
 POINT(26284.8418027133 65267.1145090825) | 247.436045591407