
ST_Scale — Scale a geometry by given factors.


geometry ST_Scale(geometry geomA, float XFactor, float YFactor, float ZFactor);

geometry ST_Scale(geometry geomA, float XFactor, float YFactor);

geometry ST_Scale(geometry geom, geometry factor);



The version taking a geometry as the factor parameter allows passing a 2d, 3dm, 3dz or 4d point to set scaling factor for all supported dimensions. Missing dimensions in the factor point are equivalent to no scaling the corresponding dimension.



Availability: 1.1.0

Enhanced: 2.0.0 多面体サーフェス対応、三角対応、TIN対応が導入されました。

Enhanced: 2.2.0 全ての次元の拡大縮小の対応 (ジオメトリによる引数指定)を導入しました

This function supports Polyhedral surfaces.

This function supports 3d and will not drop the z-index.

This method supports Circular Strings and Curves

This function supports Triangles and Triangulated Irregular Network Surfaces (TIN).

This function supports M coordinates.

-- 一つ目: X, Y, Zの拡大縮小
SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Scale(ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(1 2 3, 1 1 1)'), 0.5, 0.75, 0.8));
 LINESTRING(0.5 1.5 2.4,0.5 0.75 0.8)

-- 二つ目: X, Yの拡大縮小
 SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Scale(ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(1 2 3, 1 1 1)'), 0.5, 0.75));
 LINESTRING(0.5 1.5 3,0.5 0.75 1)

-- 三つ目: X, Y, Z, Mの拡大縮小
 SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Scale(ST_GeomFromEWKT('LINESTRING(1 2 3 4, 1 1 1 1)'),
   ST_MakePoint(0.5, 0.75, 2, -1)));
 LINESTRING(0.5 1.5 6 -4,0.5 0.75 2 -1)


ST_Affine, ST_TransScale