ST_Transform — Return a new geometry with its coordinates transformed to a different spatial reference.
geometry ST_Transform(
geometry g1, integer srid)
geometry ST_Transform(
geometry geom, text to_proj)
geometry ST_Transform(
geometry geom, text from_proj, text to_proj)
geometry ST_Transform(
geometry geom, text from_proj, integer to_srid)
Returns a new geometry with its coordinates transformed to a different spatial reference system. The destination spatial reference to_srid
may be identified by a valid SRID integer parameter (i.e. it must exist in the spatial_ref_sys
table). Alternatively, a spatial reference defined as a PROJ.4 string can be used for to_proj
and/or from_proj
, however these methods are not optimized. If the destination spatial reference system is expressed with a PROJ.4 string instead of an SRID, the SRID of the output geometry will be set to zero. With the exception of functions with from_proj
, input geometries must have a defined SRID.
ST_Transform is often confused with ST_SetSRID(). ST_Transform actually changes the coordinates of a geometry from one spatial reference system to another, while ST_SetSRID() simply changes the SRID identifier of the geometry.
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PostGISがProj対応でコンパイルされている必要があります。PostGIS_Full_Versionを使ってProj対応でコンパイルされているか確認して下さい。 |
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一つ以上の変換を行う場合は、インデクスの利点を得るために、使用する変換に関する関数インデクスを持つと便利です。 |
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1.3.4より前では、曲線を含むジオメトリで使用すると、この関数はクラッシュします。これは1.3.4以上で訂正されています。 |
Enhanced: 2.0.0 多面体サーフェス対応が導入されました。
Enhanced: 2.3.0 support for direct PROJ.4 text was introduced.
This method implements the SQL/MM specification. SQL-MM 3: 5.1.6
This method supports Circular Strings and Curves
This function supports Polyhedral surfaces.
Change Massachusetts state plane US feet geometry to WGS 84 long lat
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((743238 2967416,743238 2967450, 743265 2967450,743265.625 2967416,743238 2967416))',2249),4326)) As wgs_geom; wgs_geom --------------------------- POLYGON((-71.1776848522251 42.3902896512902,-71.1776843766326 42.3903829478009, -71.1775844305465 42.3903826677917,-71.1775825927231 42.3902893647987,-71.177684 8522251 42.3902896512902)); (1 row) -- 3次元曲線ストリングの例 SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=2249;CIRCULARSTRING(743238 2967416 1,743238 2967450 2,743265 2967450 3,743265.625 2967416 3,743238 2967416 4)'),4326)); st_asewkt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SRID=4326;CIRCULARSTRING(-71.1776848522251 42.3902896512902 1,-71.1776843766326 42.3903829478009 2, -71.1775844305465 42.3903826677917 3, -71.1775825927231 42.3902893647987 3,-71.1776848522251 42.3902896512902 4)
CREATE INDEX idx_the_geom_26986_parcels ON parcels USING gist (ST_Transform(the_geom, 26986)) WHERE the_geom IS NOT NULL;
Examples of using PROJ.4 text to transform with custom spatial references.
-- Find intersection of two polygons near the North pole, using a custom Gnomic projection -- See WITH data AS ( SELECT ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((170 50,170 72,-130 72,-130 50,170 50))', 4326) AS p1, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((-170 68,-170 90,-141 90,-141 68,-170 68))', 4326) AS p2, '+proj=gnom +ellps=WGS84 +lat_0=70 +lon_0=-160 +no_defs'::text AS gnom ) SELECT ST_AsText( ST_Transform( ST_Intersection(ST_Transform(p1, gnom), ST_Transform(p2, gnom)), gnom, 4326)) FROM data; st_astext -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLYGON((-170 74.053793645338,-141 73.4268621378904,-141 68,-170 68,-170 74.053793645338))
Sometimes coordinate transformation involving a grid-shift can fail, for example if PROJ.4 has not been built with grid-shift files or the coordinate does not lie within the range for which the grid shift is defined. By default, PostGIS will throw an error if a grid shift file is not present, but this behaviour can be configured on a per-SRID basis either by testing different to_proj
values of PROJ.4 text, or altering the proj4text
value within the spatial_ref_sys
たとえば、proj4textパラメータ +datum=NAD87 は次に示す+nadgridsパラメータの短縮形です。
接頭辞@は、ファイルが無くてもエラー報告をしないという意味ですが、適切だった (発見されてオーバラップした)ファイルがないままリストの終わりに達した場合はエラーが出ます。
NULLグリッドシフトファイルは、世界全体をカバーして、シフトを行わない、妥当なグリッドシフトファイルです。 完全な例のために、正しい範囲にないSRID 4267への変換でエラーが投げられないようPostGISを変えたいなら、次のようにします。
UPDATE spatial_ref_sys SET proj4text = '+proj=longlat +ellps=clrk66 +nadgrids=@conus,@alaska,@ntv2_0.gsb,@ntv1_can.dat,null +no_defs' WHERE srid = 4267;