"Row-Level Security (RLS) support" 是9.5版本的主要特性之一,提供了基于行的安全策略,限制数据库用户的查看表数据权限, 先来看以下例子。
- 创建测试表,插入测试数据
fdb=> create table test_row(id serial primary key, username text, log_event text, create_time timestamp(0) without time zone default clock_timestamp()); CREATE TABLE fdb=> insert into test_row(username,log_event) values('user1','user1:aaa'); INSERT 0 1 fdb=> insert into test_row(username,log_event) values('user1','user1:aadsfdfa'); INSERT 0 1 fdb=> insert into test_row(username,log_event) values('user2','user2:aadsfdfa'); INSERT 0 1 fdb=> insert into test_row(username,log_event) values('user2','user2:test'); INSERT 0 1 fdb=> insert into test_row(username,log_event) values('user3','user3:test3'); INSERT 0 1 fdb=> insert into test_row(username,log_event) values('user3','user3:test3333'); INSERT 0 1 fdb=> insert into test_row(username,log_event) values('user4','user4:test3333'); INSERT 0 1
- 创建 user1,user2,user3 测试用户
[pg95@db1 ~]$ psql fdb psql (9.5alpha1) Type "help" for help. fdb=# create role user1 with login; CREATE ROLE fdb=# create role user2 with login; CREATE ROLE fdb=# create role user3 with login; CREATE ROLE fdb=> grant select on test_row to user1,user2,user3; GRANT fdb=> grant usage on schema fdb to user1,user2,user3; GRANT
- 以 user1 登陆可以查询全部数据
fdb=> \c fdb user1 You are now connected to database "fdb" as user "user1". fdb=> select * from fdb.test_row; id | username | log_event | create_time ----+----------+----------------+--------------------- 1 | user1 | user1:aaa | 2015-07-30 14:48:49 2 | user1 | user1:aadsfdfa | 2015-07-30 14:48:54 3 | user2 | user2:aadsfdfa | 2015-07-30 14:48:59 4 | user2 | user2:test | 2015-07-30 14:49:06 5 | user3 | user3:test3 | 2015-07-30 14:49:15 6 | user3 | user3:test3333 | 2015-07-30 14:49:24 7 | user4 | user4:test3333 | 2015-07-30 14:49:29 (7 rows)
备注:之前版本只要给数据库用户赋予 SELECT 权限,那么用户可以查看全表数据。
- 给表添加 policy
[pg95@db1 ~]$ psql fdb fdb psql (9.5alpha1) Type "help" for help. fdb=> CREATE POLICY policy_test_row ON test_row fdb-> FOR SELECT fdb-> TO PUBLIC fdb-> USING (username = current_user); CREATE POLICY fdb=> select relname,relrowsecurity from pg_class where relname='test_row'; relname | relrowsecurity ----------+---------------- test_row | f (1 row) fdb=> ALTER TABLE test_row ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY; ALTER TABLE fdb=> select relname,relrowsecurity from pg_class where relname='test_row'; relname | relrowsecurity ----------+---------------- test_row | t (1 row)
备注:给表 test_row 添加 policy ,限制数据库登陆用户仅允许查看当前用户的日志记录。
- 测试
user1 用户登陆fdb=> \c fdb user1 You are now connected to database "fdb" as user "user1". fdb=> select * from fdb.test_row; id | username | log_event | create_time ----+----------+----------------+--------------------- 1 | user1 | user1:aaa | 2015-07-30 14:48:49 2 | user1 | user1:aadsfdfa | 2015-07-30 14:48:54 (2 rows)
user2 用户登陆fdb=> \c fdb user2 You are now connected to database "fdb" as user "user2". fdb=> select * from fdb.test_row; id | username | log_event | create_time ----+----------+----------------+--------------------- 3 | user2 | user2:aadsfdfa | 2015-07-30 14:48:59 4 | user2 | user2:test | 2015-07-30 14:49:06 (2 rows)
备注:user1 用户仅能查看 username 值为 'user1' 的记录,user2 用户仅能查看 username 值为 'user2' 的记录。
- 参考:
Waiting for 9.5 – Row-Level Security Policies (RLS)
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