


We are looking for Software application developer with deep knowledge and experience in PostgreSQL who can help lead the next generation of products we build. You should like solving problems that no one has solved yet and care about the impact of your product. You are more passionate about solving the problem than the single solution you developed. If this describes you then we should meet.

The Manufacturing Design team enables the mass production of Apple's entire product line from iPhones, iPads and MacBooks to the Mac Pro, AppleTV and Apple Watch. Part of the magic that makes all of this possible is a robust set of applications and systems designed and developed by Apple that support the production of a product from prototype to announcement and beyond.


  • 5+ years in a senior role developing large (> 500 GB data) PostgreSQL based applications in Go, Python, Node.js, Ruby, or similar languages.
  • 5+ years designing, configuring and operating PostgreSQL clusters for high availability across multiple data centers.
  • Knowledge of PostgreSQL internals, performance and extensions such as Citus is a plus.
  • A strong desire to produce high quality software through test driven development, code reviews, and other best practices.
  • Experience with Go is desired.
  • Experience with ElasticSearch, Couchbase and other Document-oriented, NoSQL solutions is a plus.
  • Familiarity building, monitoring, automating, optimizing, managing and scaling distributed applications and services, virtualized and bare-metal infrastructure.


1楼 xiaowu
2024-04-25 19:38:44+08

大赛总结: 女性有涵养的微信名: 三个字的游戏名: 立冬佳句: 哈姆雷特经典台词: 男人变心了怎么办: 以关爱为话题的作文: 我想对你说作文: abab的四字词语: 坠入星河的温柔网名: 非主流qq名: 独一无二的游戏名字: 殃及鱼池造句: 高级情侣cp昵称: 消防演练步骤四个: 王者荣耀名字特殊符号: 伤感qq网名: 超难单字id: 格列夫游记读书笔记: 法师名字: 孩子不愿意上幼儿园怎么办: 最是难忘那表情作文: 宠物狗取名字: 预备党员自我评价: 男生昵称: 80后气质昵称: 写给儿子励志而又温暖的句子: 蚂蟥箐村: 社会调查报告: 三字网名:

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