PostgreSQL DaaS设计注意 - schema与database的抉择
2016 Postgres大象会官方报名通道: 点此报名
作者: digoal
日期: 2016-10-12标签: PostgreSQL , DaaS , 模板 , schema , database , apply delay , standby
1. 例如将模板存储在模板数据库中,根据一个模板数据库创建新的数据库提供服务。
2. 有或者将模板存储在SQL文件中,使用SQL文件构建新的SCHEMA提供服务。
1. 数据库的方式隔离比较彻底,共用的资源较少。
2. schema的方式,共用资源较多,可以同时操作不同的schema之间的对象,事务都是本地事务。
从生成效率来讲,使用数据库模板的方式会高很多,因为它只需要COPY DIR,产生的REDO很少,也不需要大量的变更元数据。
用到两块PCI-E SSD,分别存放主库和备库。
1. postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '' port = 5289 max_connections = 100 unix_socket_directories = '.' shared_buffers = 8GB maintenance_work_mem = 512MB dynamic_shared_memory_type = posix bgwriter_delay = 10ms bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 1000 bgwriter_lru_multiplier = 10.0 wal_level = hot_standby synchronous_commit = off wal_buffers = 128MB wal_writer_delay = 10ms checkpoint_segments = 256 checkpoint_timeout = 30min checkpoint_completion_target = 0.0001 max_wal_senders = 10 wal_keep_segments = 512 hot_standby = on max_standby_archive_delay = 300s max_standby_streaming_delay = 300s wal_receiver_status_interval = 1s hot_standby_feedback = on random_page_cost = 1.0 log_destination = 'csvlog' logging_collector = on log_truncate_on_rotation = on log_checkpoints = on log_connections = on log_disconnections = on log_error_verbosity = verbose log_timezone = 'PRC' autovacuum = on log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0 autovacuum_naptime = 10s datestyle = 'iso, mdy' timezone = 'PRC' lc_messages = 'C' lc_monetary = 'C' lc_numeric = 'C' lc_time = 'C' default_text_search_config = 'pg_catalog.english' max_locks_per_transaction = 1000000
2. pg_hba.conf
local all all trust host all all trust host all all ::1/128 trust host replication postgres trust
3. recovery.done
recovery_target_timeline = 'latest' standby_mode = on primary_conninfo = 'host=localhost port=5289 user=postgres'
pg_basebackup -D /data01/digoal/pg_root5290 -F p -x -h -p 5289 -U postgres cd /data01/digoal/pg_root5290 mv recovery.done recovery.conf vi postgresql.conf port = 5290 pg_ctl start
\c template1 postgres
create table test( c0 serial unique check(c0>0), c1 serial unique check(c1>0), c2 serial unique check(c2>0), c3 serial unique check(c3>0), c4 serial unique check(c4>0), c5 serial unique check(c5>0), c6 serial unique check(c6>0), c7 serial unique check(c7>0), c8 serial unique check(c8>0), c9 serial unique check(c9>0), c10 serial unique check(c10>0), c11 serial unique check(c11>0), c12 serial unique check(c12>0), c13 serial unique check(c13>0), c14 serial unique check(c14>0), c15 serial unique check(c15>0), c16 serial unique check(c16>0), c17 serial unique check(c17>0), c18 serial unique check(c18>0), c19 serial unique check(c19>0), c20 serial unique check(c20>0), c21 serial unique check(c21>0), c22 serial unique check(c22>0), c23 serial unique check(c23>0), c24 serial unique check(c24>0), c25 serial unique check(c25>0), c26 serial unique check(c26>0), c27 serial unique check(c27>0), c28 serial unique check(c28>0), c29 serial unique check(c29>0), c30 serial unique check(c30>0), c31 serial unique check(c31>0), c32 serial unique check(c32>0), c33 serial unique check(c33>0), c34 serial unique check(c34>0), c35 serial unique check(c35>0), c36 serial unique check(c36>0), c37 serial unique check(c37>0), c38 serial unique check(c38>0), c39 serial unique check(c39>0), c40 serial unique check(c40>0), c41 serial unique check(c41>0), c42 serial unique check(c42>0), c43 serial unique check(c43>0), c44 serial unique check(c44>0), c45 serial unique check(c45>0), c46 serial unique check(c46>0), c47 serial unique check(c47>0), c48 serial unique check(c48>0), c49 serial unique check(c49>0), c50 serial unique check(c50>0), c51 serial unique check(c51>0), c52 serial unique check(c52>0), c53 serial unique check(c53>0), c54 serial unique check(c54>0), c55 serial unique check(c55>0), c56 serial unique check(c56>0), c57 serial unique check(c57>0), c58 serial unique check(c58>0), c59 serial unique check(c59>0), c60 serial unique check(c60>0), c61 serial unique check(c61>0), c62 serial unique check(c62>0), c63 serial unique check(c63>0), c64 serial unique check(c64>0), c65 serial unique check(c65>0), c66 serial unique check(c66>0), c67 serial unique check(c67>0), c68 serial unique check(c68>0), c69 serial unique check(c69>0), c70 serial unique check(c70>0), c71 serial unique check(c71>0), c72 serial unique check(c72>0), c73 serial unique check(c73>0), c74 serial unique check(c74>0), c75 serial unique check(c75>0), c76 serial unique check(c76>0), c77 serial unique check(c77>0), c78 serial unique check(c78>0), c79 serial unique check(c79>0), c80 serial unique check(c80>0), c81 serial unique check(c81>0), c82 serial unique check(c82>0), c83 serial unique check(c83>0), c84 serial unique check(c84>0), c85 serial unique check(c85>0), c86 serial unique check(c86>0), c87 serial unique check(c87>0), c88 serial unique check(c88>0), c89 serial unique check(c89>0), c90 serial unique check(c90>0), c91 serial unique check(c91>0), c92 serial unique check(c92>0), c93 serial unique check(c93>0), c94 serial unique check(c94>0), c95 serial unique check(c95>0), c96 serial unique check(c96>0), c97 serial unique check(c97>0), c98 serial unique check(c98>0), c99 serial unique check(c99>0) );
pg_class , 101条 (表+索引)
pg_attribute , 106条 (tableoid, cmax, cmin, xmax, xmin, ctid, 字段)
pg_constraint , 200条 (唯一, check各100个)
pg_depend , 401条 (表, 索引+唯一约束+check约束)(索引,唯一约束)
pg_index , 100条
同时还会产生很多数据文件,每个索引,表都会有一个数据文件,如果算上fork(vm, fsm, init)的话,就更多了。
do language plpgsql $$ declare i int ; begin for i in 1..500 loop execute 'create table test'||i||' (like test including all)'; end loop; end; $$;
template1=# \l+ List of databases Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges | Size | Tablespace | Description -----------+----------+----------+---------+-------+-----------------------+---------+------------+------------------------------- postgres | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | | 1044 MB | pg_default | default administrative connection database template0 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | =c/postgres +| 6681 kB | pg_default | unmodifiable empty database | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres | | | template1 | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | =c/postgres +| 624 MB | pg_default | default template for new databases | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres | | |
测试drop schema
postgres=# create database db0 with template template1;
postgres=# select pg_current_xlog_location(); -[ RECORD 1 ]------------+----------- pg_current_xlog_location | 1/7394D08
\c db0 drop schema public cascade;
等待drop schema结束,并记录当前XLOG位点(很长一段时间后稳定(autovacuum)结束)
db0=# select pg_current_xlog_location(); -[ RECORD 1 ]------------+----------- pg_current_xlog_location | 1/168E6EA8
\x select pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),sent_location)), pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),write_location)), pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),flush_location)), pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),replay_location)), * from pg_stat_replication ; \watch 1
发现备库apply卡在一个REDO REC上很久,如果接下来主库又产生了大量的REDO,那么备库的apply就会延迟严重。
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------ pg_size_pretty | 0 bytes pg_size_pretty | 0 bytes pg_size_pretty | 0 bytes pg_size_pretty | 56 MB -- 出现apply延迟 pid | 27375 usesysid | 10 usename | postgres application_name | walreceiver client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | 53164 backend_start | 2016-10-12 10:17:16.414473+08 backend_xmin | 2030 state | streaming sent_location | 1/168E6EA8 write_location | 1/168E6EA8 flush_location | 1/168E6EA8 replay_location | 1/13151E28 -- 卡住 sync_priority | 0 sync_state | async
使用pg_xlogdump分析 "堵塞" apply的redo rec
pg_xlogdump -b 000000010000000100000013 000000010000000100000014 2>&1 |less
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot): 17680828/17680860, tx: 2029, lsn: 1/13151E28, prev 1/13151930, bkp: 0000, desc: commit: 2016-10-12 17:04:39.615288 CST; rels:
base/400932/199021 base/400932/199422 base/400932/199019 base/400932/199420 base/400932/199017 base/400932/199418 base/400932/199015
base/400932/199416 base/400932/199013
base/400932/199414 base/400932/199011 base/400932/199412 base/400932/199009 base/400932/199410
base/400932/199007 base/400932/199408 base/400932/199005 base/400932/199406 base/400932/199003 base/400932/199404 base/400932/199001
base/400932/199402 base/400932/198999
lcache 400523 snapshot 2608 relcache 400523 snapshot 2608 snapshot 2608 relcache 400730 relcache 400523 snapshot 2608 relcache 400523
snapshot 2608 relcache 400523 snapshot 2608 snapshot 2608 relcache 400728 relcache 400523 snapshot 2608
relcache 400523 snapshot 2608 relcache 400523 snapshot 2608 snapshot 2608 relcache 400726 relcache 400523 snapshot 2608 snapshot 2608 snapshot 2608
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 24/ 56, tx: 0, lsn: 1/1423B310, prev 1/13151E28, bkp: 0000, desc: running xacts: nextXid 2030 latestCompletedXid 2029 oldestRunningXid 2030
db0=# select pg_xlog_location_diff('1/1423B310', '1/13151E28'); -[ RECORD 1 ]---------+--------- pg_xlog_location_diff | 17732840
strace -p $pid
unlink("base/400932/307422") = 0
unlink("base/400932/307422.1") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307422_fsm") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307422_vm") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307422_init") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307420") = 0
unlink("base/400932/307420.1") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307420_fsm") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307420_vm") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307420_init") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307418") = 0
unlink("base/400932/307418.1") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307418_fsm") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307418_vm") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307418_init") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307416") = 0
unlink("base/400932/307416.1") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307416_fsm") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307416_vm") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
unlink("base/400932/307416_init") = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
1. drop schema 产生了多少redo
2. 为什么drop schema会导致standby apply的延迟严重
postgres=# select pg_current_xlog_location(); pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 1/168EE5F8 (1 row)
postgres=# create database db0 with template template1;
postgres=# select pg_current_xlog_location(); pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 1/168F0640 (1 row)
postgres=# select pg_xlog_location_diff('1/168F0640', '1/168EE5F8'); -[ RECORD 1 ]---------+----- pg_xlog_location_diff | 8264
postgres=# drop database db0; DROP DATABASE
postgres=# select pg_current_xlog_location(); pg_current_xlog_location -------------------------- 1/168F20E0 (1 row)
postgres=# select pg_xlog_location_diff('1/168F20E0','1/168F0640'); -[ RECORD 1 ]---------+----- pg_xlog_location_diff | 6816
select pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),sent_location)), pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),write_location)), pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),flush_location)), pg_size_pretty(pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(),replay_location)), * from pg_stat_replication ; \watch 1
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------ pg_size_pretty | 0 bytes pg_size_pretty | 0 bytes pg_size_pretty | 0 bytes pg_size_pretty | 0 bytes pid | 27375 usesysid | 10 usename | postgres application_name | walreceiver client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | 53164 backend_start | 2016-10-12 10:17:16.414473+08 backend_xmin | 2046 state | streaming sent_location | 1/168F20E0 write_location | 1/168F20E0 flush_location | 1/168F20E0 replay_location | 1/168F20E0 sync_priority | 0 sync_state | async
分析一下create 和 drop database产生的redo内容
pg_xlogdump -b 000000010000000100000016 000000010000000100000016 2>&1 |less
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 24/ 56, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168EE5F8, prev 1/168EE5A8, bkp: 0000, desc: running xacts: nextXid 2044 latestCompletedXid 2043 oldestRunningXid 2044
rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 21/ 6437, tx: 2044, lsn: 1/168EE630, prev 1/168EE5F8, bkp: 1000, desc: insert: rel 1664/0/12999; tid 0/24
backup bkp #0; rel 1664/0/12999; fork: main; block: 0; hole: offset: 120, length: 1832
rmgr: Btree len (rec/tot): 18/ 618, tx: 2044, lsn: 1/168EFF58, prev 1/168EE630, bkp: 1000, desc: insert: rel 1664/0/13001; tid 1/1
backup bkp #0; rel 1664/0/13001; fork: main; block: 1; hole: offset: 120, length: 7648
rmgr: Btree len (rec/tot): 18/ 594, tx: 2044, lsn: 1/168F01E0, prev 1/168EFF58, bkp: 1000, desc: insert: rel 1664/0/13002; tid 1/24
backup bkp #0; rel 1664/0/13002; fork: main; block: 1; hole: offset: 120, length: 7672
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 28/ 60, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168F0438, prev 1/168F01E0, bkp: 0000, desc: running xacts: nextXid 2045 latestCompletedXid 2043 oldestRunningXid 2044; 1 xacts: 2044
rmgr: XLOG len (rec/tot): 72/ 104, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168F0478, prev 1/168F0438, bkp: 0000, desc: checkpoint: redo 1/168F0438; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0/2045; oid 401408; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 1798 in DB 1; oldest multi 1 in DB 1; oldest running xid 2044; online
rmgr: Database len (rec/tot): 16/ 48, tx: 2044, lsn: 1/168F04E0, prev 1/168F0478, bkp: 0000, desc: create db: copy dir 1/1663 to 400934/1663
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 28/ 60, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168F0510, prev 1/168F04E0, bkp: 0000, desc: running xacts: nextXid 2045 latestCompletedXid 2043 oldestRunningXid 2044; 1 xacts: 2044
rmgr: XLOG len (rec/tot): 72/ 104, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168F0550, prev 1/168F0510, bkp: 0000, desc: checkpoint: redo 1/168F0510; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0/2045; oid 401408; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 1798 in DB 1; oldest multi 1 in DB 1; oldest running xid 2044; online
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot): 48/ 80, tx: 2044, lsn: 1/168F05B8, prev 1/168F0550, bkp: 0000, desc: commit: 2016-10-12 19:17:16.791771 CST; inval msgs: catcache 21
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 24/ 56, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168F0608, prev 1/168F05B8, bkp: 0000, desc: running xacts: nextXid 2045 latestCompletedXid 2044 oldestRunningXid 2045
rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 26/ 6442, tx: 2045, lsn: 1/168F0640, prev 1/168F0608, bkp: 1000, desc: delete: rel 1664/0/12999; tid 0/24 KEYS_UPDATED
backup bkp #0; rel 1664/0/12999; fork: main; block: 0; hole: offset: 120, length: 1832
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 28/ 60, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168F1F70, prev 1/168F0640, bkp: 0000, desc: running xacts: nextXid 2046 latestCompletedXid 2044 oldestRunningXid 2045; 1 xacts: 2045
rmgr: XLOG len (rec/tot): 72/ 104, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168F1FB0, prev 1/168F1F70, bkp: 0000, desc: checkpoint: redo 1/168F1F70; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0/2046; oid 401408; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 1798 in DB 1; oldest multi 1 in DB 1; oldest running xid 2045; online
rmgr: Database len (rec/tot): 8/ 40, tx: 2045, lsn: 1/168F2030, prev 1/168F1FB0, bkp: 0000, desc: drop db: dir 400934/1663
rmgr: Transaction len (rec/tot): 48/ 80, tx: 2045, lsn: 1/168F2058, prev 1/168F2030, bkp: 0000, desc: commit: 2016-10-12 19:17:30.981401 CST; inval msgs: catcache 21
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 24/ 56, tx: 0, lsn: 1/168F20A8, prev 1/168F2058, bkp: 0000, desc: running xacts: nextXid 2046 latestCompletedXid 2045 oldestRunningXid 2046
create 和 drop database并没有产生很多的日志,也没有那么多的文件操作。只有copy dir和drop dir。
文件操作少了,比drop schema快多了。
1. schema和database在物理结构上的差别
所以在drop database时系统调用变得更简单,而drop schema需要挨个文件来。
2. schema和database在元数据上的差别
简单来说就是比擦屁股的动作, drop database擦屁股很快,因为元数据很少只影响pg_databases。
drop schema擦屁股就很烦了,要挨个清理pg_class, pg_attribute, 等等元表。 元表清理完还需要vacuum。
3. create 和 drop schema的文件操作很多,是一个个文件进行的,而且都会记录在REDO中,如果schema中有很对对象并且有很多文件的话,会非常慢。
4. create 和 drop database产生的日志少,系统调用也更少。
把schema放到database下,新增一个目录存放。删除的时候可以drop dir,但是清理元数据还是少不了的。
2016 Postgres大象会官方报名通道:
高情商晒娃句子: 十六年结婚纪念日文案: 远离不信任你的人句子: 好听又绝望的网名: 被欺骗伤透了心失望的句子: 夸一个人漂亮的网络语: 不经意的小细节最让感动说说: 婚后女人的心酸说说: 用一段话感谢爸妈辛苦付出: 万箭穿心的句子说说: 日复一日发朋友圈的句子: 年少无知的感慨的句子: 因家庭心情压抑的句子: 游戏好听的名字: 做一个快乐的自己短句: 暖男说晚安: 感恩员工付出的暖心话: 追问要不要在一起的文案: 惊艳了岁月的古风句子: 雪中送炭的感动句子: 戒酒的说说发朋友圈: 自己奋斗买房的励志话: qq网名女: 哭过之后发朋友圈的句子: 结婚纪念日爆笑朋友圈: 被别人耍弄的语句: 家庭包容正能量的句子: 夫妻伤感句子表达心情失落: 给老婆说一些温暖的话: 暗示自己不幸福的句子: