从难缠的模糊查询聊开 - PostgreSQL独门绝招之一 GIN , GiST , SP-GiST , RUM 索引原理与技术背景
作者: digoal
日期: 2016-12-31
标签: PostgreSQL , gist , sp-gist , gin , rum index , 模糊查询 , 搜索引擎 , token位置搜索 , pg_hint_plan , 自动优化 , 分词 , like '%xxx%'
模糊查询,是一个需求量很大,同时也是一个对数据库来说非常难缠的需求。对于前模糊(like '%xxx'),可以使用倒排B-TREE索引解决,对于后模糊(like 'xxx%'),可以使用B-TREE索引解决。B-TREE索引通常支持的查询包括 > , < , = , <= , >= 以及排序。 目前大多数数据库都支持B-TREE索引方法。
但是对于前后模糊(like '%xxxx%'),对于以及前后模糊的正则表达式(~ '.ab?cd[e-f]{1,10}-0.'),则很多数据库无从下手,无法优化,只能全表扫描,对每条记录进行单独的处理。
原因是PostgreSQL开放的索引接口,数据类型。(比如支持GIN, GIST, RUM, 自定义索引方法,你可以认为这是PG的独门绝技之一,目前还没有其他数据库支持这一特性)。
《PostgreSQL 9.3 pg_trgm imporve support multi-bytes char and gist,gin index for reg-exp search》
《中文模糊查询性能优化 by PostgreSQL trgm》
《PostgreSQL 全文检索加速 快到没有朋友 - RUM索引接口(潘多拉魔盒)》
《聊一聊双十一背后的技术 - 毫秒分词算啥, 试试正则和相似度》
PostgreSQL internal
PostgreSQL index internal
本文将给大家分享一下 gin,gist,rum 索引背后的原理,大伙就知道该如何选择了,看好就该迎接2017新年啦,提前祝大家新年快乐,明年步步高升。
GIN fashupdate
为了提升插入,更新,删除的性能,PostgreSQL支持类似MySQL的索引组织表类似的buffer ,先写入BUFFER,然后再合并到树里去。
而相比MySQL索引组织表更优一些的地方是,查询不会堵塞合并,也不会堵塞写入。因为查询时不需要等待BUFFER中的数据合并到树中,而是直接查询BUFFER(如果BUFFER非常大,可能查询速度会受到一定的影响)。 、
1. 为了提高更新速度,使用了FASTER UPDATE技术,当BUFFER很大时(可自己设置),查询速度可能会较慢。所以权衡插入和查询,建议设置合理的BUFFER大小。
2. 仅支持bitmap查询,也就是说取到所有的行号之后,排序,然后再去检索,好处显然是可以减少随机的HEAP PAGE扫描,但是坏处是,当涉及的行非常多(比如每行都包含了某个元素)很大时,排序耗费资源较多,耗时较长,从执行到获得第一条的时间较长,如果用户使用了LIMIT,也要等排序结束。
《恭迎万亿级营销(圈人)潇洒的迈入毫秒时代 - 万亿user_tags级实时推荐系统数据库设计》《从相似度算法谈起 - Effective similarity search in PostgreSQL》
Generalized Search Tree,或者叫归纳树,用于解决一些b-tree, gin难以解决的数据减少问题,例如,范围是否相交,是否包含,地理位置中的点面相交,或者按点搜索附近的点,当然,它能实现的功能还不仅于此。
GiST 的组织形式
聚集之后的数据,你可以理解为就是对应GiST的单个index page里包含的信息(可以多级聚集,即对应后面的2级结构)。
GiST单个index page长这样:
1.key + 行号 (索引和记录一一对应)
蓝色框框中,左边列的值代表KEY,右边列的值代表行号(第几个HEAP PAGE,里面的第几条记录)。
GiST两级索引长这样,上一级代表下一级中单个INDEX PAGE的大范围。
GiST 小结
GiST的灵魂是聚集,所以首先是聚集的动作,聚集后,在单个组内包含的KEY+HEAP行号会放到单个INDEX PAGE中。
聚集的范围作为一级结构,存储在GiST的entry 中,便于检索。
PostgreSQL内置的range, geometry等类型的GIST已经帮你做好了,你只需要做新增的类型,比如你新增了一个存储人体结构的类型,存储图片的类型,或者存储X光片的类型,怎么快速检索它们,那就是你要实现的GIST索引聚集部分了。
Performance depends on how well the userdefined Picksplit and Choose functions can group keys
GiST 应用举例
《PostgreSQL 在视频、图片去重,图像搜索业务中的应用》《聊一聊双十一背后的技术 - 物流、动态路径规划》
《PostgreSQL 百亿地理位置数据 近邻查询性能》
Space-Partitioned GIST
1. nodes无交叉,(GiST是有交叉的,只是做了聚集,但是nodes(不同的index page)包含的内容是有交叉的)。
2. 索引深度是可变的
3. 每个物理的index page可能对应多个nodes
1. Kd-tree , points only ; ( because shapes might overlap )
2. prefix tree for text
SP-GiST 应用举例
RUM 参考了GIN的实现,并改进了GIN在全文检索时的一些弱点,比如:
1. Slow ranking. (GIN没有存储全文检索的lexem位置信息,所以无法支持索引级的ranking,需要扫描HEAP PAGE后,通过CPU运算得到)
It is need position information about lexems to ranking. GIN index doesn't store positions of lexems. So after index scan we need additional heap scan to retreive lexems positions.
2. Slow phrase search with GIN index. (同样由于GIN没有存储位置信息,所以无法支持索引级的phrase搜索,例如 '速度' <1> '激情' 不能支持,或者 '中国:100' 无法支持到索引级别的搜索. )
This problem relates with previous problem. It is need position information to perform phrase search.
3. Slow ordering by timestamp. (因为GIN只存储了tsvector TOKEN,没有任何附带字段信息(例如全文检索+索引字段 双字段索引),所以一些炫酷或者业务扩展的功能,都需要heap page的扫描和CPU的处理)
GIN index can't store some related information in index with lexemes. So it is necessary to perform additional heap scan.
RUM的改进方法,在INDEX 中加入了附加信息,比如TOKEN位置,从而可以支持以上查询。 同时支持双字段索引(如 tsvector+timestamp)
RUM solves this problems by storing additional information in posting tree.
For example, positional information of lexemes or timestamps.
You can get an idea of RUM by the following picture:
RUM带来的问题,建立索引以及数据变更的时间,比GIN长,这个已经在RUM的TODO 中,会是后面的改进重点。
Drawback of RUM is that it has slower build and insert time than GIN.
It is because we need to store additional information besides keys and because RUM uses generic WAL.
《聊一聊双十一背后的技术 - 毫秒分词算啥, 试试正则和相似度》《聊一聊双十一背后的技术 - 分词和搜索》
- B-Tree
- GiST
PostgreSQL 如何潇洒的处理每天上百TB的数据增量
《PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature - BRIN (block range index) index》
《PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature - lets BRIN be used with R-Tree-like indexing strategies For "inclusion" opclasses》
《PostgreSQL 全文检索加速 快到没有朋友 - RUM索引接口(潘多拉魔盒)》BLOOM
《PostgreSQL 9.6 黑科技 bloom 算法索引,一个索引支撑任意列组合查询》还有开放的接口,你可以自定义你的索引方法,请参考bloom索引的实现。
gin, gist, rum
正则表达:gin, gist
《聊一聊双十一背后的技术 - 毫秒分词算啥, 试试正则和相似度》
接下来对比一下gin, gist, rum在不同输入条件下的性能,以及我们如何选择
PostgreSQL允许你在一个列上面创建多个索引,比如我们接下来的测试,我们需要使用gin, gist, rum来创建不同的索引。
自由选择索引, pg_hint_plan
《阿里云 PostgreSQL pg_hint_plan插件的用法》《关键时刻HINT出彩 - PG优化器的参数优化、执行计划固化CASE》
《PostgreSQL SQL HINT的使用》
《PostgreSQL 特性分析 Plan Hint》
select chr(i) from generate_series(1,255) as t(i);
create or replace function string_to_tsvector(v text) returns tsvector as $$ declare x int := 1; res text := ''; i text; begin for i in select regexp_split_to_table(v,'') loop res := res||' '||chr(92)||i||':'||x; x := x+1; end loop; return res::tsvector; end; $$ language plpgsql strict immutable;
create or replace function string_to_tsquery(v text) returns tsquery as $$ declare x int := 1; res text := ''; i text; begin for i in select regexp_split_to_table(v,'') loop if x>1 then res := res||' <-> '||chr(92)||i; else res := chr(92)||i; end if; x := x+1; end loop; return res::tsquery; end; $$ language plpgsql strict immutable;
安装插件啥的就不写了,需要三个插件pg_trgm, pg_hint_plan, rum
postgres=# \dx List of installed extensions Name | Version | Schema | Description --------------+---------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------- dblink | 1.2 | public | connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database pg_hint_plan | 1.1.3 | hint_plan | pg_trgm | 1.3 | public | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language rum | 1.0 | public | RUM index access method (5 rows)
create table test(id int , info text);
insert into test select id, md5(random()::text) from generate_series(1,1000000) t(id);
CREATE INDEX trgm_idx1 ON test USING GIN (info gin_trgm_ops);
耗时 19秒, 占用空间 102MB
CREATE INDEX trgm_idx2 ON test USING GiST (info gist_trgm_ops); --耗时 31秒 --占用空间 177MB
CREATE INDEX rum_idx1 ON test USING rum ( string_to_tsvector(info) rum_tsvector_ops); --耗时 133秒 --占用空间 86MB
create table test(id int , c1 text, c2 tsvector); insert into test select id, md5(rn), string_to_tsvector(md5(rn)) from (select random()::text as rn, id from generate_series(1,1000000) t(id)) t; select * from test limit 10; postgres=# select * from test limit 10; id | c1 | c2 ----+----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------- 1 | f09f48ac93fbb69169f63973a516dcd1 | '0':2 '1':16,27,32 '3':10,21,24 '4':5 '5':26 '6':14,17,20, 28 '7':23 '8':6 '9':3,9,15,18,22 'a':7,25 'b':12,13 'c':8,30 'd':29,31 'f':1,4,11,19 2 | 7554a9e3b95c7ff01a54587f914ea9af | '0':16 '1':17,26 '3':8 '4':4,20,27 '5':2,3,11,19,21 '7':1, 13,23 '8':22 '9':6,10,25,30 'a':5,18,29,31 'b':9 'c':12 'e':7,28 'f':14,15,24,32 3 | aa21991b6507275b86e43f2ec67ffc57 | '0':11 '1':4,7 '2':3,13,23 '3':21 '4':20 '5':10,15,31 '6':9, 18,26 '7':12,14,27,32 '8':17 '9':5,6 'a':1,2 'b':8,16 'c':25,30 'e':19,24 'f':22,28,29 4 | c5e0ff17b63ab43c1b17d7a8c457c341 | '0':4 '1':7,17,19,32 '3':11,15,30 '4':14,26,31 '5':2,27 '6':10 '7':8, 20,22,28 '8':24 'a':12,23 'b':9,13,18 'c':1,16,25,29 'd':21 'e':3 'f':5,6 5 | 70b83685fc0a4cbaf08423f686845977 | '0':2,11,18 '2':21 '3':5,22 '4':13,20,28 '5':8,29 '6':6,24,26 '7':1, 31,32 '8':4,7,19,25,27 '9':30 'a':12,16 'b':3,15 'c':10,14 'f':9,17,23 6 | 98761ca17c8665787a11c1819a93cf44 | '1':5,8,19,20,22,24 '3':28 '4':31,32 '5':14 '6':4,12,13 '7':3, 9,15,17 '8':2,11,16,23 '9':1,25,27 'a':7,18,26 'c':6,10,21,29 'f':30 7 | 9e432254f5de26ddd881709ac49f435b | '0':22 '1':20 '2':5,6,13 '3':4,30 '4':3,8,26,29 '5':7,10, 31 '6':14 '7':21 '8':18,19 '9':1,23,27 'a':24 'b':32 'c':25 'd':11,15,16,17 'e':2,12 'f':9,28 8 | 383a710642cfe6ff9d65a587e3158371 | '0':7 '1':6,27,32 '2':10 '3':1,3,26,30 '4':9 '5':20,22,28 '6':8, 14,19 '7':5,24,31 '8':2,23,29 '9':17 'a':4,21 'c':11 'd':18 'e':13,25 'f':12,15,16 9 | 9aa45e3355c7d0564e990466e06b9a49 | '0':14,21,26 '3':7,8 '4':4,17,22,31 '5':5,9,10,15 '6':16,23,24, 27 '7':12 '9':1,19,20,29,32 'a':2,3,30 'b':28 'c':11 'd':13 'e':6,18,25 10 | f61a4af88c1e9f08af6597d9f93c25f4 | '0':15 '1':3,11 '2':29 '3':27 '4':5,32 '5':20,30 '6':2,19 '7':22 '8':8, 9,16 '9':13,21,24,26 'a':4,6,17 'c':10,28 'd':23 'e':12 'f':1,7,14,18,25,31 (10 rows)
一、test case1
1. gin
postgres=# set pg_hint_plan.debug_print=on; postgres=# set client_min_messages ='log'; postgres=# /*+ BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) */ select count(*) from test where info ~ 'a'; LOG: available indexes for BitmapScan(test): trgm_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: count -------- 873555 (1 row) Time: 3426.308 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) */ select * from test where info ~ 'a'; LOG: available indexes for BitmapScan(test): trgm_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on public.test (cost=28878.04..47944.37 rows=858586 width=37) (actual time=2393.340..3438.434 rows=873555 loops=1) Output: id, info Recheck Cond: (test.info ~ 'a'::text) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 126445 Heap Blocks: exact=8334 Buffers: shared hit=21335 -> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx1 (cost=0.00..28663.39 rows=858586 width=0) (actual time=2391.618..2391.618 rows=1000000 loops=1) Index Cond: (test.info ~ 'a'::text) Buffers: shared hit=13001 Planning time: 0.464 ms Execution time: 3513.761 ms (11 rows)
2. gist
postgres=# /*+ IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) */ select count(*) from test where info ~ 'a'; LOG: available indexes for IndexScan(test): trgm_idx2 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: count -------- 873555 (1 row) Time: 1692.881 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) */ select * from test where info ~ 'a'; LOG: available indexes for IndexScan(test): trgm_idx2 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using trgm_idx2 on public.test (cost=0.41..42825.67 rows=858586 width=37) (actual time=0.328..1719.398 rows=873555 loops=1) Output: id, info Index Cond: (test.info ~ 'a'::text) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 126445 Buffers: shared hit=962577 Planning time: 0.353 ms Execution time: 1798.426 ms (7 rows)
3. rum
postgres=# /*+ IndexScan(test rum_idx1) */ select count(*) from test where string_to_tsvector(info) @@ string_to_tsquery('a'); LOG: pg_hint_plan: no hint count -------- 873555 (1 row) Time: 623.930 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ IndexScan(test rum_idx1) */ select * from test where string_to_tsvector(info) @@ string_to_tsquery('a'); LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: not used hint: IndexScan(test rum_idx1) duplication hint: error hint: LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: not used hint: IndexScan(test rum_idx1) duplication hint: error hint: LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: not used hint: IndexScan(test rum_idx1) duplication hint: error hint: LOG: available indexes for IndexScan(test): rum_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: IndexScan(test rum_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using rum_idx1 on public.test (cost=4.00..3940.50 rows=5000 width=37) (actual time=303.718..606.763 rows=873555 loops=1) Output: id, info Index Cond: (string_to_tsvector(test.info) @@ '''a'''::tsquery) Buffers: shared hit=9027, temp read=1315 written=1315 Planning time: 1.165 ms Execution time: 674.612 ms (6 rows)
二、test case2
1. gin
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) */ select * from test where info ~ 'a' limit 100; LOG: available indexes for BitmapScan(test): trgm_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=28878.04..28880.26 rows=100 width=37) (actual time=2404.025..2404.156 rows=100 loops=1) Output: id, info Buffers: shared hit=13002 -> Bitmap Heap Scan on public.test (cost=28878.04..47944.37 rows=858586 width=37) (actual time=2404.023..2404.139 rows=100 loops=1) Output: id, info Recheck Cond: (test.info ~ 'a'::text) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 10 Heap Blocks: exact=1 Buffers: shared hit=13002 -> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx1 (cost=0.00..28663.39 rows=858586 width=0) (actual time=2402.336..2402.336 rows=1000000 loops=1) Index Cond: (test.info ~ 'a'::text) Buffers: shared hit=13001 Planning time: 0.437 ms Execution time: 2404.330 ms (14 rows)
2. gist
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) */ select * from test where info ~ 'a' limit 100; LOG: available indexes for IndexScan(test): trgm_idx2 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=0.41..5.40 rows=100 width=37) (actual time=0.304..0.610 rows=100 loops=1) Output: id, info Buffers: shared hit=125 -> Index Scan using trgm_idx2 on public.test (cost=0.41..42825.67 rows=858586 width=37) (actual time=0.301..0.593 rows=100 loops=1) Output: id, info Index Cond: (test.info ~ 'a'::text) Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 12 Buffers: shared hit=125 Planning time: 0.359 ms Execution time: 0.680 ms (10 rows)
3. rum
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ IndexScan(test rum_idx1) */ select * from test where string_to_tsvector(info) @@ string_to_tsquery('a') limit 100; LOG: pg_hint_plan: no hint QUERY PLAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Limit (cost=4.00..82.73 rows=100 width=37) (actual time=299.327..299.392 rows=100 loops=1) Output: id, info Buffers: shared hit=693, temp read=2 written=1315 -> Index Scan using rum_idx1 on public.test (cost=4.00..3940.50 rows=5000 width=37) (actual time=299.323..299.371 rows=100 loops=1) Output: id, info Index Cond: (string_to_tsvector(test.info) @@ '''a'''::tsquery) Buffers: shared hit=693, temp read=2 written=1315 Planning time: 0.353 ms Execution time: 303.170 ms (9 rows)
三、test case3
postgres=# select * from test where info ~ '2e9a2c'; id | info -------+---------------------------------- 31 | e5e51acb3802e9a2c6318f6f2554ee1e 47924 | b1562e9a2cced50c2ea8629d03b64416 (2 rows) Time: 295.222 ms
1. gin
postgres=# /*+ BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) */ select count(*) from test where info ~ '2e9a2c'; LOG: available indexes for BitmapScan(test): trgm_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: count ------- 2 (1 row) Time: 3.835 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) */ select * from test where info ~ '2e9a2c'; LOG: available indexes for BitmapScan(test): trgm_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on public.test (cost=20.77..122.03 rows=100 width=37) (actual time=2.488..2.494 rows=2 loops=1) Output: id, info Recheck Cond: (test.info ~ '2e9a2c'::text) Heap Blocks: exact=2 Buffers: shared hit=26 -> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx1 (cost=0.00..20.75 rows=100 width=0) (actual time=2.467..2.467 rows=2 loops=1) Index Cond: (test.info ~ '2e9a2c'::text) Buffers: shared hit=24 Planning time: 0.549 ms Execution time: 2.543 ms (10 rows)
2. gist
postgres=# /*+ IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) */ select count(*) from test where info ~ '2e9a2c'; LOG: available indexes for IndexScan(test): trgm_idx2 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: count ------- 2 (1 row) Time: 296.805 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) */ select * from test where info ~ '2e9a2c'; LOG: available indexes for IndexScan(test): trgm_idx2 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: IndexScan(test trgm_idx2) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using trgm_idx2 on public.test (cost=0.41..105.16 rows=100 width=37) (actual time=55.568..293.998 rows=2 loops=1) Output: id, info Index Cond: (test.info ~ '2e9a2c'::text) Buffers: shared hit=15888 Planning time: 0.423 ms Execution time: 294.103 ms (6 rows) Time: 295.444 ms
3. rum
postgres=# /*+ IndexScan(test rum_idx1) */ select count(*) from test where string_to_tsvector(info) @@ string_to_tsquery('2e9a2c'); LOG: pg_hint_plan: no hint count ------- 2 (1 row) Time: 891.093 ms
postgres=# explain (analyze,verbose,timing,costs,buffers) /*+ IndexScan(test rum_idx1) */ select * from test where string_to_tsvector(info) @@ string_to_tsquery('2e9a2c'); LOG: available indexes for IndexScan(test): rum_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: IndexScan(test rum_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using rum_idx1 on public.test (cost=20.00..22.01 rows=1 width=37) (actual time=833.852..833.856 rows=2 loops=1) Output: id, info Index Cond: (string_to_tsvector(test.info) @@ '''2'' <-> ''e'' <-> ''9'' <-> ''a'' <-> ''2'' <-> ''c'''::tsquery) Buffers: shared hit=5027 Planning time: 0.432 ms Execution time: 864.190 ms (6 rows)
alter table test alter column SET STATISTICS 1000; vacuum analyze test;
explain $QUERY;
查看对应节点的rows, 如果没有LIMIT, 则选择顶级NODE的ROWS,如果是LIMIT,则选择第二个NODE的ROWS。
如果是更复杂的查询,比如使用了多个条件查询时,则最好使用hint, 通过hint对应的索引,找到对应的node.如:
postgres=# explain /*+ BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) */ select * from test where info ~ '2e9a2c'; LOG: available indexes for BitmapScan(test): trgm_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on test (cost=20.77..122.02 rows=100 width=37) Recheck Cond: (info ~ '2e9a2c'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx1 (cost=0.00..20.75 rows=100 width=0) Index Cond: (info ~ '2e9a2c'::text) (4 rows) postgres=# explain /*+ BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) */ select * from test where info ~ '2e9'; LOG: available indexes for BitmapScan(test): trgm_idx1 LOG: pg_hint_plan: used hint: BitmapScan(test trgm_idx1) not used hint: duplication hint: error hint: QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitmap Heap Scan on test (cost=59.30..5079.87 rows=7006 width=37) Recheck Cond: (info ~ '2e9'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on trgm_idx1 (cost=0.00..57.54 rows=7006 width=0) Index Cond: (info ~ '2e9'::text) (4 rows)
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